As usual, it’s been a while since I contributed to Illustration Friday. As usual, I do not have time to paint something new. But I do have something in my archives that suits the topic, and that is not against the rules. This illustration is one of four I completed for a book called “Chanda’s House” by Katrina Martin Davenport. Sometime after completing the first four Katrina and I decided to pull the title from the publisher that was planning to publish it. Long story short, it was not a mutually beneficial arrangement. I have hope that someday this story will find its’ publisher.
The illustration depicts a scene where the main character, Katrina, has a talk with her mother about differences in culture. Specifically, Katrina has a friend, Chanda, who is Indian and after a scary first experience, Katrina is apprehensive about going to play at Chanda’s house again. Katrina expresses her fears and her mother assures her that experiencing different cultures can be an adventure, which makes it all a lot less scary.
I haven’t painted any children’s illos in a long time. Not since this series in 2005. It’s on my list of to-do’s. Along with painting landscape masterpieces and becoming an expert skier. One thing at a time.
I’ll be uploading some new pictures of Butters and Maggie to my flickr page soon. Butters is almost as big as Maggie!
Happy Friday.