

Inflected Form(s): eked; ek·ing

1 archaic : increase, lengthen

2 : to get with great difficulty — usually used with “out” (eke out a living); supplement : “Kate eked out her income working for the crazymakers while pursuing her dreams in children’s literature.”

This morning my inbox is my friend. I received an email from the SCBWI Eastern PA list, leading me to the website of writer Debbi Michiko Florence, who every month interviews a writer for her website. What a great idea! This month it’s Sally Keehn, author of I am Regina and other award-winning historical fiction for children. My favorite quote from the article:

“What a powerful story, I thought. But could I tell it? Did I have the talent? I was filled with self-doubt.

“The Native Americans say that a story stalks a writer and, if it finds you worthy, comes to live in your heart. Regina’s story stalked me. It wouldn’t let me go! Finally I gave into it. I thought, What have I got to lose? Be fearless, Sally. Tell the story. Just do it!”

Sounds a bit familiar, huh?

Next I opened my eNewsletter from Write4Kids.com, Children’s Writing Update. Along with other gems, I found a link to a website called One Word. Now this is neato. You go to the site, you are given one word, the word of the day. You have 60 seconds to write whatever comes to your mind from that word. You then submit your writing and name and address, just like blog comments. A pretty cool exercise to warm up your brain in the morning! Reading the others’ interpretations is equally stimulating.

And finally, a contest. The Smart Writers, is inexpensive to enter and includes writers and illustrators. Go on and enter, it’s good for the brain, good for exposure, and if you win, good for the resume. If nothing else some real editors, art directors and other professionals will see your work. I’m going to try to whip something up. The deadline is February 15th.

Have I ever mentioned that I really want and need to learn how to write? But like Katrina fears her novel, I fear all writing whatsoever, except perhaps blogs and emails where I tend to be rather long-winded. I have a few themes for stories haunting my mind and I don’t know what to do with them. But one baby step at a time, gladdies!

If you’re learning how to write and illustrate too, I highly suggest joining the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). It’s a friendly community with lots of perks.

Aaah crap, I’ve just been given crap to do by the crazymakers. Poo poo poo and “Oh bother.” Time to eke out some crap.