Coming to this Space Today: A Highly Successful and Creative Woman Shares Her Secrets

…and the secrets of hundreds more women who have inspired her get to that place we all dream of.

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

Before I can post my full entry as part of the Blog Tour of Gail McMeekin, creative coach and mentor, I must tend to a few minutes of delegation on a code red design project. Delegation is a secret I learned about in Gail’s first 12 Secrets books, and have discussed with her one-on-one in numerous coaching sessions. It has been a major challenge for me as a one-person, self-employed art department for hire.

I also need to quickly brief my client/partner in this project on Secrets Nine and Ten. When the project is over I will wrap both Gail’s books and her workbook in pretty wrap and ribbons and FedEx it to her, wherever she is in the country at this point, building her potentially highly successful business.

In the meantime, if you are not familiar with the amazing Gail and her powerful work, please visit her website and get started on the 12 Secrets to Highly Successful Women Blog Tour. I’ll meet you back here before end of day with a personal interview with Gail and some more of my experiences with the 12 Secrets.

Gail\’s Secret #2 – Sift Through Your Ideas to Get Heart Focused