i-Friday: Match

Two Chipmunks

It’s been a long, long time since I participated in dear ole Illustration Friday. But you see I am making a concerted effort here to get back on the internet track. So the sketch above was done quickly, on Friday, at the moment I learned the subject for the week.

Our neighborhood, and the mountains here in general, are riddled with these little creatures, the Least Chipmunk. “Least,” because they are the smallest of all chipmunks. And I owe them an apology. My sweet darling Maggie obeyed her animal instincts 2 weeks ago and I don’t know exactly what she did to hurt it, I only found the outcome–an itty bitty injured thing, barely breathing, at the base of a pine tree. I will spare you the details and assure you that the injuries were internal and probably involved a broken back, or head trauma, because the little chipper could barely move. And it is truly a rarity to see one of these guys sitting still for more than a nanosecond.

So Chippy is buried behind our cabin, his tiny grave marked by a stone with his name scraped in it.

I’m truly sorry, chipmunks of the rockies!