Photo Shoot

A moment of vanity, brought to you by the talented Christina Kiffney.

Kate Garchinsky - Shrug

Christina and I had scheduled a photo shoot in the Brandywine River Valley on what turned out to be a sweltering, sticky day in late June. Christina, who lives and works in Boulder, Colorado—one of my favorite towns with a much more penguin-friendly climate—happened to be traveling from New York to Washington D.C. via rail that week.

Kate Garchinsky - Green

She had time enough to hop off the train in Wilmington, hoist and haul her camera equipment from Brandywine State Park on the Pennsylvania side to Brandywine Park on the Delaware side, and take 365 beautiful shots. These are some of my favorites.

Kate Garchinsky - Late Light

This photo shoot is step two in my own big little marketing makeover. Step one included a professionally scribed biography, coming soon. There’s an abbreviated preview on my About page right now.

Kate Garchinsky - Specs

My goal is to more effectively package myself, accurately render my capabilities, effectively exhibit my past work and illustrate how blissful my potential clients’ lives can be should they choose to work with me.

Eh, or something like that.

Kate Garchinsky - Brandywine Foot Bridge


  1. Fantastic! They are all great, but I really love the 2nd and 3rd ones down. My favorite is the 3rd. Love the lighting and mood.

  2. Heather

    Beautiful photos Kate! I like the last one the best.

  3. I so need to do this…but i have to find me a photographer…and I am so NOT photogenic.
    I LOVE these!!!

    • kate

      A photographer with a good eye can do magical things, bringing out the beauty in everyone and everything! I did not intend for that to rhyme.

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