The new “Kite Tales” is up…

…featuring, ME.

Huh, what?

Ok, backing up a minute. I have been a member of SCBWI (the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, which I pronounce, “skib-wee”) for let’s say, 9 years or so. It is THE organization to join if/when you decide to give children’s publishing a serious go. I have been a picture book fanatic since I could see colors and hear my mother read to me. Not surprisingly, children’s book illustration was my main focus in art school. I try novels, really, I try, but picture books remain my favorite genre. “I don’t read much,” I said to a dear friend just last week who tempted me with a novel she had almost finished. “Really? You don’t READ?” she choked in disbelief. Ok, yes I have been reading “Eat, Pray, Love” for about 6 weeks now. That is how I read words. Slowly. Meticulously. It can be exhausting. I love words, but I also love art. Picture books have the best, best, best of both worlds (well, ideally). What’s not to love?

I digress. So I have been a member of SCBWI for 9 years or so. As of today, how many books have I had published? Zero. How many neatly packaged, friendly illustration samples have I mailed with high hopes to unsuspecting art directors? Thousands, I’d guess. One must submit in bulk to have even the slightest chance of half a glance from an unsuspecting, overworked, just ready for Friday already art director’s assistant. At least this is the impression I have received. It is not encouraging to a young girl out of art school. Which is how I got to be so good at Graphic Design. PAYCHECKS.

Still I digress. So in the past 2 years since my big move to Colorado, I have had a few ideas float in and out of my mind for picture books. Picture books that I shall write myself, rather than leave my fate to the gods of celebrity authors, best-sellers and poo-poo potty books. Of course, my stories revolve around nature, which constantly revolves around me. I’ve got a story about a moose. A heron family. A hummingbird. A puppy (who loves nature).

In the past few months I started looking for a local chapter of SCBWI. They’re all over the place. If you want to meet like-minded writers and illustrators, it’s the best way to start. I had procrastinated making such local connections when I moved here because I honestly didn’t know how long I’d stay. Now that I’m feeling permanent, and actually a bit poetic, I have made contact with the Rocky Mountain Chapter (RMC-SCBWI). They had a vacancy posted for a volunteer brochure designer on their website, and I took it. I’m working on that project now. Almost done.

Meanwhile one of the regional advisors asked if I’d mind being profiled in the upcoming issue of “Kite Tales,” the RMC’s e-newsletter. Hey sure, why not? I was surprised to learn that the interest was NOT my windy off-center illustration career noted above. It was my blogging.

So right now, I am in the “Blog Spotlight” in the February “Kite Tales.” Look at me go. I hope I sound like I know what I’m talking about, because I am convinced that I really do. Gosh, now I’m really going to have to perform here. OH THE PRESSURE.

Yeah, so who doesn’t really like another excuse to blog?