Byers w/Clouds

Byers w/Clouds
Originally uploaded by Kate Garchinsky |

Sketched on 04.23.09 around 11:30am. The biggest challenge was the rapidly shifting light that shone through the clouds, creating puzzle-piece patterns on the mountains. I did my best to stick to one particular moment rather than trying to capture every change in light. You can’t chase shadows, else the whole blasted thing will be in darkness before you know it.

Byers is my second favorite peak in the Fraser Valley.


  1. Heather

    I’m enjoying the sketches!

  2. WaiHon

    This is the classic way that an artist should always do.

    and my dream is same with you, one day i want to be a great artist.
    thanks to share your painting.

  3. Katrina

    I’m loving these sketches!! I wish you much luck with your move.

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